In our BMEL FNR research project .TSI, DTC researchers have developed new design tools and methods for robot-fabricated, rapid-assembly lightweight timber structures. These methods aim at the reduction of complex and costly steel plate connectors. The Reciprocalshell System is using cost-efficient rectangular beam cross-sections. Mortise-and-tenon joints are used as locator features for the assembly, as well as for the load transfer, combined with wood screws. Metal plates are only used to connect the grid shell to the micro-pile foundations, using as little concrete as possible.
In addition to several smaller demonstrator projects, the Park Arena Furth allows us to test the methods within a full-scale gridshell structure. This is made possible by the Landesgartenschau 2025 Furth im Wald GmbH, the city of Furth im Wald, and our large team of expert partners and supporters. More Information on this project is coming soon.
Park Arena Furth Project Team:
Scientific Development / Construction System / Architecture: Digital Timber Construction DTC group / TTZ Digital Planning and Building Aichach, Prof. Dr. C. Robeller and Dr. H. Karimian together with Architect Peter Hickl – PHII Architecture, Landesgartenschau Furth im Wald 2025 GmbH, Structural Engineering: str.ucture GmbH Stuttgart, Checking engineers: ZM-I Regensburg GmbH, Timber Construction: Holzbau-Penzkofer GmbH, Eschlkam.

Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe – Forschung Live
Zeitungsartikel 12/2024 – Parkarena Furth im Wald
Landesgartenschau Furth im Wald – Park Arena Neubau